
Wuŋali, Ŋäma, ga Maraŋgithirr
Maratja Dhamarrandji tells Richard Trudgen it's the Balanda mainstream influence that is affecting Yolŋu understanding of law and order.
Podcast 63. This is the sixth podcast where Nikunu Yunupingu and Richard Trudgen discuss the meaning of 'traditional landowners', comparing it to words in the Yolngu languages
Maratja Dhamarrandji and Richard Trudgen discuss how Yolŋu are legally ‘restrained’ or protected under their system of Madayin rom, Yolŋu law. They discuss the stages in which Yolŋu learn about the law through initiation processes and discipline of their mind, body and soul, that continues right through their lives, starting from when they are very small children.
Podcast No.13 What's the story behind Yolngu international trade with the Macassans? Find out why it stopped and what that means for Yolngu today.