1. Meaning of the English word Business?
Maratja Dhamarrangdji and Richard Trudgen discuss Yolngu businesses that have operated in the past and looks at the current struggle many Yolngu have to get into business and why Government attempts to help often don’t work. Explores the confusion about what modern business really is as opposed to how it is perceived by many Aboriginal communities. Explains there are many meanings of the word ‘business’ and this podcast begins to unpack them.


There are 3 Stories in this podcast see below time stamps.

  • Introduction to our PMC Business Radio programs. – 00:00
  • Confusion about Business – 10:11
  • What is the root meaning of the word Business? – 19:59
Dhäwu ga ŋorra dhawal mala gammurruw
Mayali ŋorra dhuwal mala dhärukgu